Thursday, Jan. 16
1:00 pm MT
Women, Work, & Calling: 4 Principles to Guide & Grow Your Work (Webinar)
Start 2025 strong with fresh perspective for your work and leadership. Join members of the WWC community to explore biblical principles for work, with exercises and application to your role.
Thursday, Feb. 06
6:30 pm
Denver, CO
Professional Women's Network Gathering
Join us for an evening of relationship-building, heavy appetizers, and encouragement.
Friday, Feb. 07
Denver & Colorado Springs, CO
Faith Driven Investor Watch Party
Join the Faith Driven Investor annual conference by attending a watch party in Denver or Colorado Springs.
Friday, Mar. 07
Denver, CO
Business for the Common Good 2025
Animate your business with a vision for the common good.

Upcoming Events

Women, Work, & Calling: 4 Principles to Guide & Grow Your Work (Webinar)
Professional Women's Network Gathering
Faith Driven Investor Watch Party
Business for the Common Good 2025
Thanks for the community you’re creating to love God in business.
Jon Hokama
Senior VP & Partner - American Business Advisors

By the numbers

Why should you attend? Our event stats speak for themselves


Colorado congregations served in 2021-2022


of attendees would recommend DIFW to a friend

event attendees served through Denver Institute events

Sponsor an event

Organizations often struggle to connect quality products, services, and causes with the right audience. While prospects are inundated with more than 10,000 marketing messages each day, organizations must navigate the clutter and conserve resources while attracting the right audience.

We host 8–10 public events each year ranging in attendance from 100 to more than 250 teachers, business leaders, scientists, and a variety of industry professionals. We also curate invitation-only events that give influencers the opportunity to connect and hear from national thought leaders.

Past Events

Think Like an Entrepreneur Even If You’re Not One: The Faithful Entrepreneurial Mindset
Women, Work, & Calling: Annual Event 2024
Women, Work, & Calling | Work in Flux: Navigating an Ever-Changing World (Webinar)
Faith Driven Entrepreneur Watch Party
Professional Women's Network Gathering
Hiring & Firing: How Do We Handle Personnel Challenges Faithfully?
Abundant Ground Discovery Lunch: Building a Thriving Community Ecosystem
Women, Work, & Calling: Practicing Justice & Mercy Through Our Work (Webinar)
Civic Revival Tour with the AND Campaign