Scripture reminds us what is good and what the Lord requires of his followers: “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) When it comes to acting justly or loving mercy, you’re not alone if volunteering with a local nonprofit or giving to charitable causes come to mind.
But what if living justly was more than an occasional act—what if it were an attitude or posture we adopted in all of life? What if we could pursue mercy and justice in any type or work or role?
Join us for a thought-provoking conversation with Kimberly Deckel, Executive Pastor at Church of the Cross Austin, Director of Faith, Work, Mercy, and Justice at City to City North America, and author of The Missional Disciple: Pursuing Mercy and Justice at Work and Adrienne Tafilowski, Executive Director of Mile High Workshop, a second chance work program in Denver, Colorado.
Available worldwide. Replay provided (registration required).
Zoom link provided with registration.
Join us for a conversation about how to pursue mercy and justice in your work.
Wednesday, Aug 14 | 1-2pm MT
Online Worldwide
Zoom link provided with registration.
Kimberly Deckel is Executive Pastor at Church of the Cross Austin, Director of Faith, Work, Mercy, and Justice at City to City North America, and author of The Missional Disciple: Pursuing Mercy and Justice at Work. Before transitioning into full time ministry, Kimberly worked in the field of social work for over a decade serving as therapist, hospice social worker, and working in foster care and adoptions. She completed her MA in Missional Theology through the Missional Training Center and has done work related to faith, work, mercy and justice for Surge Network, Made to Flourish, and other ministries.
Adrienne Tafilowski is the Executive Director of Mile High Workshop, a second chance work program in Denver, Colorado. Her approach at the Workshop is enriched by the experiences she’s had in social work, community navigating, and adolescent mental health support roles over the past decade, both locally and abroad. In addition to deep nonprofit and ministry experience, Adrienne worked in a manufacturing facility as a senior leader at L&R Pallet, focused on developing a robust culture of employee care among those facing barriers to employment.

Women, Work, & Calling is a national initiative focused on women’s discipleship through events, experiences, and resources.