S1E7: Philip Yancey on Calling, Writing, Suffering, and Faith

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Philip Yancey, best-selling author, joins Brian Gray and Dustin Moody for a discussion about calling, writing, and suffering. Philip shares stories about his childhood, his reasons for leaving church, and what brought him back to faith.


"I never sit down to write a book that I know something about because I would be bored if I already knew the answer."Read some of Philip's reflections after his time in Newtown, Conn., following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary.Philip mentioned Eugene Peterson's translation of the Psalms. Hear more about Eugene on our previous podcast.What Philip tells people who are suffering: "God is always on the side of the one who suffers."What we get right when we minister to suffering people: presence. "They need practical help and they need assurance. 'Look, it's not your fault. And we are here to bear your burdens with you. That's what we're called to do as Christians.'"On grace: "When you taste that first gulp of grace, that it's not about being good, it's not about being perfect. It's not about trying to get the angry God to be a little less angry. It's about a God whose essence is love."Dr. Paul Brand: "The hand of the Creator is all through the universe."Lear more about BioLogos, an organization that creates common ground between science and Biblical faith.Check out the 5280 Fellowship and learn more about our faculty and city leaders.Books* mentioned in this episode:

Download the episode transcript.*–Purchase with purpose. Amazon donates to Denver Institute when you shop at smile.amazon.com.



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