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What does it look like to thrive? Listen in as The Faith & Work Podcast talks with Ross Chapman, CEO of Denver Institute, on what Harvard and Scripture have to say about flourishing in all aspects of life. Additionally, over the last six months, Ross conducted a listening tour, talking to the organization’s key stakeholders, leaders in our community, and outside observers to gain a fresh perspective on the role Denver Institute can fill in our community.
On Shalom:
"I like to say that Shalom is life to the full for every life."
On work as a way to experience flourishing:
"Work makes what you do every day have a little bit more significance because it's an opportunity to help people experience flourishing."
On having a 'Nehemiah moment':
"I think we all need a 'Nehemiah moment' before we launch into pursuing the flourishing of our city. What Nehemiah did was ask for a report of the city and when he gets the report back he doesn't immediately go and do something. Instead, Nehemiah takes time to absorb what he heard and reflect. And after he had reflected, he wept."
Download the episode transcript.
Learn more about the Harvard Flourishing Program.
The Faith & Work Classroom has a free course on “Whole Life Calling.” Learn from Dan Steiner, a seminary educator, as he teaches on what it means to have a vision of flourishing that flows through our daily work but ultimately comes from a life fully engaged in God's purposes in the world.
*–Purchase with purpose. Amazon donates to Denver Institute when you shop at
Colorado Conversations
Join us on May 1st!
If you live in the Denver area consider joining us for Colorado Conversations: At Work as it is in Heaven: The Lord's Prayer as a Workplace Liturgy on May 1st over the lunch hour. We will hear from D.J. Marotta and spend some time networking. We hope to see you there!