Monday, May. 01 /
11:30 am /
Denver, CO

Colorado Conversation: At Work as it is in Heaven: The Lord’s Prayer as a Workplace Liturgy

Event details

Thy kingdom come.

Give us this day our daily bread. 

Lead us not into temptation. 

The Lord’s Prayer is familiar. Sometimes so familiar we lose sight of its power to transform thoughts, actions, and the posture of our hearts.

There is an ancient and still applicable principle that says what you pray will shape what you believe which then shapes how you live. How can the Lord’s Prayer shape our beliefs and actions? What can it teach us about our daily work?  

Join Denver Institute for Faith & Work at our next Colorado Conversation where we will look at the Lord’s Prayer and examine how those familiar phrases can reshape our imaginations and renew our approach to work. We will be learning from D.J. Marotta, an Anglican priest and author of Liturgy in the Wilderness: How the Lord’s Prayer Shapes the Imagination of the Church in a Secular Age. We hope you will join us for a time of connection and learning alongside fellow believers.

Thy kingdom come…to our workplaces and to our attitudes.

Give us this day our daily bread…as we labor at our jobs.

Lead us not into temptation…at work. 


Bring a friend for a great time of discussion and networking!


Colorado Conversations - a relational gathering focused on local issues and practical themes related to integrating our faith and work.


Monday, May 1, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm


Park Church (3025 W 37th Ave, Denver, CO 80211)


Your $15 ticket includes lunch (Monthly Partners attend for free.) 

Dan Marotta

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

In-Person Ticket

Includes a light lunch.

Monday, May 5th