The Healing Power of Economics

The so-called “dismal science” is a powerful tool for wealth creation, but also for healing broken communities.I open my car door, sit down, and turn the key. Carefully balancing my coffee, I put my foot on the brake, shift into reverse, and gently press the gas pedal as I pull out of my driveway on […]

John Marsh
The Resurrection of Place

Places, like people, can die. Cities die because of purposelessness, but they grow through love and hope. The practice of resurrecting life in a city starts in the heart of God’s people, having a hope for its future. I have experienced the call to a place—a “there that is woven into every fiber of my being.” My heart […]

Tim Macready
Integrating Faith Into the Way We Invest

As Chief Investment Officer of a Christian pension fund, it occurs to me frequently that 25,000 Australians have entrusted their retirement savings to us. This is a substantial responsibility. Our beneficiaries trust that we will work to the utmost of our abilities to ensure they are well-provided for so they can live a fruitful and […]

Jeff Haanen
The Miracle of the Reformers: Why Teaching Your Kids Hymns is Good for the Economy

Perhaps the songs we teach our children is one the most important legacies we can leave for posterity. This morning I sat down to breakfast with my wife and four daughters. After eggs and sausage, we listened to the classic hymn “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation.” My wife educates our […]

“DealMakers”: A Documentary Look at Labor and Hope in America

I often imagine what collective impact between business leaders, churches, government, nonprofits and ministries might look like. What would it look like for us partner together to make a permanent, generational impact on American society?When it comes to work, in many ways, our society is hemorrhaging. The labor participation rate for men age 24-55 is […]

Jeff Haanen, Laura Bernero
Video: The Purpose of Business Today

On June 15, church and business leaders from across the region – as well as speakers from around the country – gathered at “For Whose Glory: Exploring Faithful Practice in Life, Leadership & Business.” It was an honor to see partners, peers and thought leaders join us for discussion and deep questions. For instance, in […]

Jeff Haanen
The Quiet Unraveling of Work in America

On August 1, 2007, the I35W Mississippi River bridge in Minneapolis looked like any other bridge in America. Commuters stuck in rush hour were waiting impatiently, talking on their phones and assuming they would get safely to their destination. Yet at 6:05 p.m., a strange noise was heard lurking underneath. Suddenly, the bridge collapsed, sending […]

Chad Hamilton
The Offensive Generosity of God

The parables of Jesus have a way of pulling off the veil and revealing what we really love and care about.  They often challenge our deeply held beliefs.  This is especially true of Jesus’ “Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard” in Matthew 20: 1-16.    Jesus tells the story of a landowner who goes […]

Chad Hamilton
Radicalized by Gratitude

The parable of the prodigal son has a lot to teach us.  It can profoundly impact how we view relationships, forgiveness, repentance, pride, and the nature of God’s grace.  But it should also instruct us in another way, by making us consider how we should think about money.     In Jesus’ parable, the younger son […]

Jeff Haanen
Denver’s Changing Economy: Top 7 Challenges Facing Denver Today

In the past two blog posts on Denver’s economic history and thriving economy today, things look promising. New businesses, new residents, and new buildings all point to a thriving city.But your perspective on the economy often depends on where you’re sitting. Here are, in my view, the top seven challenges facing Denver today. Greatest Challenges […]

David Rupert
Employment, faith keys to keeping prisoners from reentering the system

Last weekend I worked in the yard, cutting trees and turning over soil. I bagged leaves, weary from the winter decay. At the end of the day, I lined the bags along the curb and dragged my body into the shower, washing away the earthy soil that were marks of my labor. Finally, I sat […]

Jeff Haanen
Denver’s Changing Economy

With over 100,000 new Colorado residents in 2016, Denver is booming. Cranes dot the skyline, buildings are popping up across the city (especially around Union Station), and Denver is quickly becoming one of the most attractive places to live in the United States.My last post focused on Denver’s economic history. Here, I’ll give a very […]