Jeff Haanen
Work “Rhythms” for the Local Church

After reading books on vocation, attending “faith and work” conferences, and committing to “cultural renewal,” most pastors will begin to ask, “So what?” That is, now that we’ve decided work is so important for both discipleship and mission, what difference does all of this make in congregational life? How should it influence our Sunday gatherings, […]

Erik Wolgemuth

“So basically, you’re just saying that I need to get famous before you’d be interested in working with me?” The question, posed by a potential client, jarred me in its frustration and starkness. At the same time – and in a surprising way – it resonated deeply with my own questions and concerns. As a […]

Dave Strunk
Law, Downstream From Culture

A trial in France recently sent off cultural waves with strong moral and cultural implications. A group of Roma (also known as gypsies) was accused of selling child brides and training them to steal. One of the intriguing aspects of the case was the legal defense offered on behalf of the Roma: they simply were […]

Dave Strunk
Bread, Wine and Work

“For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” 1 Corinthians 11:26 “I’m not religious, but I am spiritual,” goes the common American saying. There is a world of assumptions behind those two words “religious” and “spiritual.” “Religious” implies church, priests or pastors, other people, tradition, […]

Health By Numbers

A patient stands out from my early days as a physician. She was a person of little education, of a socioeconomic class that few valued, in her sixties with advanced lung cancer. Already beyond a surgical cure, there were chemotherapeutic agents that the data showed might help, though only in small numbers of cases, and […]

Jeff Haanen
Andy Crouch Speaks at DIFW Luncheon

“Power tends to corrupt,” said Lord Acton, “and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” It’s a famous dictum that’s repeated in political, economic and even church contexts alike. But is it true? When Andy Crouch decided to write a book several years ago on the topic of power, his friends tried to persuade him otherwise. “Why not […]

Jeff Haanen
The DIFW Mission

Why is it that the world we read about in The Economist and the world of the Bible seem so incredibly different? Why are 87% of the world’s workers disengaged from their work? And why do 84% of Christian 18-29 year old have no idea how the Bible applies to their field or professional interests? […]

Brian Gray
Prayer for the Work Day

Here is a beautiful prayer for the work day written by Bishop Charles Lewis Slattery (1867-1930): Prayer for the Work Day Almighty God, thank Thee for the job of this day. May we find gladness in all its toil and difficulty, its pleasure and success, and even in its failure and sorrow. We would look […]

Bethany L. Jenkins
Faith & Medicine: A Christian Approach to Healthcare

The following is an interview with DIFW Board Member Dr. Bob Cutillo in partnership with Every Square Inch, the faith and work initiative of The Gospel Coalition. Dr. Cutillo was featured in a weekly column which asks practitioners about their jobs and how they integrate their faith and work. The original post can be found […]

Jeff Haanen
Vocation: The Holy Grail of Corporate America

Five hundred billion dollars. That’s how much economists estimate the US economy loses every year due to employee disengagement. A recent Gallup poll showed that 70% of Americans are disengaged from their work – either simply punching in and punching out each day, or actually working to sabotage the company they work for. Globally it’s […]

Brian Gray
A Letter To My Pastor

Dear Pastor, “Where do I start?” Perhaps you’ve had this thought a time or two when considering how to help us live out the gospel at work. First, there are so many different kinds of work: education, health care, trades, retail, manufacturing, small business, real estate. How can you know enough about these fields to […]

Jeff Haanen
Screens, Media, and the Oracles in Our Pockets

I sit down in my car, and before I even pull out my keys, I tap my iPhone to check my email. Of course, I just checked my email an hour earlier, before my 2pm appointment. But without even thinking, more like a reflex than an action, I head to the screen in eager expectation. […]