Women, Work & Calling (Videos)

The following videos were filmed at "Women, Work & Calling", a DIFW event on February 26, 2014 that drew 200+ women from across Colorado (in the middle of a snow storm!). Below are each of the three segments (two presentations and one panel discussion) as well as descriptions of each of the talks.

Navigating the Challenges of Career, Motherhood and Identity - Kate Harris

Navigating the Challenges of Career, Motherhood and Identity from Denver Institute on Vimeo.

Whether to lean in or opt out, go to work or work from home, win the bread or care for the kids—or even to have kids or not—American women face tough choices when it comes to living out of a sense of vocation. How can women discern their God-given calling and how can the church explore the tensions revealed in the lives of modern women?

In this talk, Kate Harris, author of "Wonder Women: Navigating the Challenges of Career, Motherhood and Identity," speaks on three challenges facing women - embodiment, encampment, and expectation - and seeks guidance from Christian theology for women today.

This video includes slides from her presentation.

The Christian Call for Women to Work - Katelyn Beaty

The Christian Call for Women to Work from Denver Institute on Vimeo.

What does Scripture say to women about work and how have women throughout history have responded to God’s call? How can women embrace their calling to steward their personal and professional gifts at any age or life stage?

Katelyn Beaty, the Managing Editor of Christianity Today, explores what Scripture says about work, the history of women and career, and how we might be able to respond today.

Women, Work & Calling - Kate Harris, Katelyn Beaty, Cindy Chang Mahlberg, Karen Parks (Panel Discussion)

Women, Work & Calling (Panel Discussion) from Denver Institute on Vimeo.

How can I balance my commitment to my kids, my career, family, and church and still have time to clean the house, exercise, pray and have a social life - without going crazy? Why do women who've either chosen to stay at home, work full-time or do a combination of work/home seem to silently accuse others of making the wrong decision? Why do I feel guilty at church for choosing to work? How can I hear God's call for this upcoming decision? Have we excluded single, separated, or women who HAVE to work from our churches? How should I think about all these roles I play - mother, professional, wife, daughter, sister, friend?

In this panel discussion, four women discuss these topics and more with honesty and vulnerability. Panelists include: Cindy Chang Mahlberg, The Law Venture, Women in the Mix; Karen Parks, MOPs International; Kate Harris, The Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation & Culture; Katelyn Beaty, Christianity Today.
