Understanding God’s Economy

Brian Gray

Joy Anderson, President of the Criterion Institute and a mentor at the Unreasonable Institute and Praxis Labs, spoke at a Pastor's Breakfast on the topic of social investment and God's economy. The following interviews focus on her 1K Churches initiative, including 5 distinct investment pathways that churches can use to become more involved in investing in micro-businesses in their communities.

In the first video, Joy addresses:

  • Economics and the Missio Dei
  • The Church as an economic being
  • Common barriers that keep the church from engaging the economic principles expressed in Scripture
  • Practical steps churches can take to invest in the economic health of their communities

Q & A with Joy Anderson

Local Denver pastors respond to Joy's presentation. Topics addressed:

  • What are the primary issues keeping the local church from engaging their communities economically?
  • The strategic nature of community banking
  • Practical ways congregations can support the economic health of their communities



Brian Gray

Brian is the VP of Formation here at DIFW and also leads our 5280 Fellowship program. Prior to landing at DIFW, he served in pastoral ministry for thirteen years and at Denver Seminary for four years. His vocation includes moving ideas out into life through relationships and conversation – whether that applies to God, work, the Church, good beer, or Liverpool Football Club. He married way out of his league, and spends most of his free-time being parented by his two daughters.