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What role can prayer play in an organization? When it comes to leadership how might we implement prayer as a key practice?
In today's episode, we share the stage with our sibling podcast Teach Us To Pray hosted by Jeff Hoffmeyer, Denver Institute's VP of Advancement. For this conversation focused on prayer at an organizational level Jeff interviews Peter Greer, President & CEO of HOPE International about his newly released co-authored book Lead with Prayer: The Spiritual Habits of World-Changing Leaders.
On the challenge of prayer:
"Only 16% of pastors say that they are very satisfied with their prayer life. 72% say that consistency in prayer is one of their greatest challenges. So, that is true for pastors...Then, it also is true for global [Christian] leaders."
On the importance of prayer:
"Prayerlessness is detrimental for a Christian, but it is death for a Christian leader." - Tim Keller
On the example of Jesus:
"Jesus, fully God, fully human, and he constantly was prioritizing prayer. Maybe, in some ways the question is, 'Do we think we are busier than Jesus, or do we think we are wiser than Jesus?' Jesus modeled this for us, [so that] we would benefit from it as well..."
Download the episode transcript.
If you enjoyed this conversation buy the book Lead with Prayer: The Spiritual Habits of World-Changing Leaders.
Looking for even more resources on how to implement some of these prayer practices in your life? Check out the Lead with Prayer website.