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What does it look like to lead from a place of wholeness? How can we work toward emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual integration, and why is integration important for leaders? Hear from Lisa Slayton, CEO of Tamim Partners, and David Park, partner at Greenwood Hospitality Group, as they lead us through a discussion on wholehearted leadership.
On wholeheartedness:
"You will never move to the place of wisdom unless you are willing to go to the place of suffering."
On leading from a place of wholeness:
"The moment that we begin to lead out of someone that we think we should be rather than who we actually are is the moment when you begin to vocationally disintegrate–you are falling apart."
On working toward integration:
"We have to create distance from things that we have strong attachments to that are pulling us in a negative direction."
Check out the full session of Wholehearted Leadership along with all of the sessions from Business for the Common Good On-Demand.
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