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What does it look like to be courageous in our work? And how can Christians navigate the complexities of organizational life with grace and faithfulness? Join Joanna Meyer and Dustin Moody as they discuss the topic of courage in the workplace with guest Dr. Russell Moore. Dr. Moore serves as public theologian and the director of ChristianityToday’s Public Theology Project.
On fear:
"Sometimes I think when people get scared, they start to think, 'Well, this means that God's absent- or it means that I'm doing the wrong thing.' When actually, many times the fear that's there is a sign of God's presence and a sign that something new is happening in your life. And I think that's a pattern we see throughout the scriptures."
On people pleasing:
"The understanding that we stand before the judgment seat of Christ and that we give an account to Christ tends to reorder our lives in a way that can keep us from constantly looking for other judges. Nobody can please everybody. And so you have to ask yourself, 'Which audience is it that I'm trying to please?'"
On the Church:
"If you're following Christ, then you're really not alone. You're surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. And you're never meant to be permanently alone. When Peter says to Jesus, 'We've left everything to follow you.' And Jesus says, 'No one who has left father or mother, brother or sister, houses or lands will not receive a thousandfold in the age to come' and now, just often in ways that we don't expect and see."
Purchase Dr. Moore's most recent book The Courage to Stand and learn more about his work at Christianity Today.
We are also including a free resource from our 5280 Fellowship program titled "At Work, With God, For the World". This free download includes an exercise in professional development that will help you steward the various gifts and abilities you bring to your workplace.
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