On Wednesday, June 16th, 2021, Denver Institute and Park Church hosted Work + Worship: An Interactive Worship Experience. Guest speaker Dr. Matthew Kaemingk presented the findings from his most recent book, Work & Worship: Reconnecting Our Labor and Liturgy, and provided practical tools for integrating our daily work into our Sunday worship.

On Thursday, June 17th, ministry leaders from around the Denver metro area gathered for “Designing Worship For Workers”. The main themes explored during this gathering included the value of living more fully into a holistic Christian life, taking into consideration the places and vocation of the people of God, and recentering and empowering the church to engage a broken and hurting world.
Dr. Kaemingk discussed practical ways to structure church worship services for local congregations and left worship leaders with a charge to fully embrace all gifts and talents of their congregation and to go out and share the good news of the gospel as they live fully empowered in their places of work.
Thanks to Park Church and the event sponsor Made to Flourish for providing the replay link below.