Faithful Practice

Brian Gray

At Denver Institute, we talk daily about the stewardship of time, resources, gifts and position as opportunities to co-work with Christ in the world. As we engage these topics alongside the tensions and challenges of modern business and leadership, the conversation becomes ever-more complex.

And yet, there is a deep richness in the complex conversation.

There is a mingling of perspectives across industries that occurs when we approach the work of our hands through the lens of the heart of God, and when we ask him to lead us in the daily task. The result is a cumulative, ever-unfolding narrative about faithful practice and stewardship in life and business today.

In this process, we know that we need one another to navigate the tensions of stewardship in life and business today.

This is the heart behind the learning that we curate on the Denver Institute blog. If you find yourself wondering about the role of friendships at work, or the Church’s engagement with business and economics in America, or the increasing demands for speed and efficiency and the effect of those new norms on our spiritual lives, we hope the channel will inform and fuel those conversations.

And then, we hope you’ll take these conversations into your workplaces and communities. We hope you will dig in to the challenging questions about relationships, healthy rhythms, company culture and community impact.

On June 15, we will gather a collection of friends, leaders and influencers from Denver and beyond to add an additional chapter to this narrative about faithful practice in business and in life.

If you find yourself in the middle of this same narrative, we hope you and your network join us on Thursday, June 15 for an event designed to deepen our conversation on these topics.

A range of business leaders, from startup founders to seasoned pros at brands like PepsiCo, Coors Tek and Maxwell, will share practical wisdom on topics including “Caring for the Soul of Entrepreneurs” and “Good Jobs: A Strategy for Both Profit and Poverty Alleviation.”

From here, we hope the conversation continues to multiply across our city and communities.


Brian Gray

Brian is the VP of Formation here at DIFW and also leads our 5280 Fellowship program. Prior to landing at DIFW, he served in pastoral ministry for thirteen years and at Denver Seminary for four years. His vocation includes moving ideas out into life through relationships and conversation – whether that applies to God, work, the Church, good beer, or Liverpool Football Club. He married way out of his league, and spends most of his free-time being parented by his two daughters.