Held on April 11, 2014.Imagine a CEO completes a corporate merger, avoiding hundreds of layoffs; a contractor works with a local prison to hire ex-inmates and helps to turn around dozens of lives; an artist completes a mosaic for public display at a bank, highlighting the lives of local heroes. Now imagine a great celebration for each of these people who have stewarded their vocational influence for the common good. In partnership with Denver Seminary's Salt & Light Seminar, we're excited to invite you into the vision of Proverbs 11:10: “When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices."This event featured a special evening with Amy Sherman, author of Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good, winner of the 2013 Christianity Today Book Award. The evening included a chance to hear some of Denver’s most inspiring vocational stories.

Amy Sherman
Senior Fellow
Dave Meyer
Tour Bus Operator

George Harris
Executive Director of Corporate Social Responsibilities

Hillary Lum
Assistant Professor of Medicine

Josh Mabe