More and more people report excessive workload and burnout as primary challenges at work. Various studies have found between 42% and 77% of workers are experiencing burnout, a trend echoed by the Denver Institute community. When we surveyed our constituents in January 2023, 49% of our 200 respondents reported struggling with burnout. Data like this seems to be on a steady upward march. We are fatigued. But what if that weren’t the case?
What if we experienced rest in our whole lives because we practiced rhythms of rest in our work lives?
Enter the Sabbath–God’s original plan for rest and restoration.
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. (Genesis 1:31–2:3, NIV)
Sabbath isn’t just not working on Sundays. Sabbath is holy time. Sabbath is set aside as distinct, as a time to cease our good work for greater work.
If you find yourself struggling with burnout, curious about ways to observe the Sabbath, in need of reorientation to the practice, or you hope to continue avoiding what seems to have become inevitable in our society, we invite you to participate in “Sabbath: Finding Rest in a World That Never Stops,” a workshop-style event hosted by Denver Institute.
During this event, we will deepen our understanding of Sabbath, learn from one another, experience practices to support our own Sabbath rhythms, and create a plan for Sabbath observance through the fall season. Register using the button below.
Cost: $40 (covers breakfast, lunch, and all materials)
Saturday, July 22, from 9am-1:30pm
Denver Institute Office (8100 E Arapahoe Rd, Ste. 303, Centennial, CO 80112)
Any adult interested in learning more about Sabbath
Ross Chapman
Brian Gray
Denver Institute for Faith & Work
In-Person Ticket
Includes breakfast, lunch, and all materials.
Saturday, July 27th