Hosted by Jeff Hoffmeyer, Denver Institute’s Vice President of Advancement, this podcast seeks to focus on the practice of prayer through scripture as a primary way to know, trust, and rest in God in our daily work and life.
Episode 32: All Boldness and Without Hindrance (Acts 28:30-31) Part I
The book of Acts ends with Paul under arrest, living out his vocation "with all boldness and without hindrance." In part one of two episodes on these verses, I examine how we can pray toward the vocational freedom offered in this passage by coming to understand the relationship between freedom and constraint.
Braveheart, starring Mel Gibson. Musical score by James Horner, performed by London Philharmonic Orchestra
"Dithyrambic Yalp"? Sorry, got a little carried away there. A dithyramb is a type of poem marked by "an inspired wild irregular strain." A yalp is, well, a yalp.
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