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What does Sabbath rest look like for modern society? Why do many of us struggle to develop healthy practices of rest and reflection? In this episode, Tara Owens, spiritual director and founder of Anam Cara Ministries, leads a discussion on the biblical model of Sabbath and how we can approach it today.
On the meaning of Sabbath:
"For the most part, we think of our Sabbath as rest. And it's not that Sabbath doesn't have to do with rest, because it does. But rest is the product of Sabbath, not the purpose of it. The meaning and purpose of Sabbath is to stop."
On our approach to Sabbath:
"Most of us are trying to live God's rhythm as if we are God instead of in the rhythm of grace and expansiveness of the time that God sets up for us to inhabit."
Take our Sabbath Survey! As a token of our appreciation, you'll receive a downloadable Bible study guide on Sabbath practices and be entered into a drawing for one of two Amazon gift cards.Learn more about Tara and Anam Cara Ministries.Download the episode transcript.
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