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How might Christian faith shed light on the under-recognized value of hourly-wage workers, who contribute to our economy and city? In this episode, Joanna Meyer talks with Jeff Haanen, founder and CEO, about how to better care for those in our city.
On dignity & value:
"I think the daily reality of a lot of working class men and women is defending their dignity in a culture that doesn't recognize the value and the importance and the public contribution of their work..."
On the saints:
"We should take seriously, the lived realities of the great saints we admire in the Bible and what their life was like, and a lot of it was working class jobs."
On gratitude:
"See the laborers in your life, and in your community, maybe even in your workplace and just tell them genuinely, 'Thank you for your work.' "
Read God of the Second Shift and learn more about The Pinkerton Papers.
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