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The Faith & Work Podcast is taking a quick pause from our Virtue & Vice series to introduce you to a new face on staff. We are excited to share this episode in which we hear from and learn more about Denver Institute's new CEO, Ross Chapman. Listen in as Joanna Meyer and Brian Gray talk with Ross about his interests, family, and professional history.
On being a part of what God is doing in the world:
"At the core of it. I think this is good work that needs to be done. This idea of colliding the transformation of cities with people seeing their everyday work as integral to what God wants to do in the world."
On areas to strengthen:
"I think the Faith & Work movement has done a really good job of helping people grasp some theological categories that are really necessary. They're groundwork. I'm not an expert on the history of what's happened in the Faith & Work space, but I would say there's a huge need to help it hit the ground."
On listening well:
"The main thing I want people to know is that I want to learn. I'm a learner and I think that starts with listening. I'm a big proponent of listening first. And so I want to hear from people..."
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