Held on August 11, 2016.Retirement, or the years leading up to it, is a time filled with tension and new questions:How should I fill my time?How do I navigate uncertainty, financial worries, or changing health needs?How can I avoid the temptation to withdraw or “just live for myself?”What should my role be in serving a younger generation?How can an older generation offer an alternate voice in a youth-driven culture?Does God have a greater purpose for my later years?More than 100 people joined us at "Purposeful Retirement: Discovering God’s Call for the Third Chapter of Life," a half-day event exploring the unique role retirees play in God’s mission. It featured a keynote presentation by Amy Hanson, author of Baby Boomers and Beyond: Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passions of Adults over 50.The event also explored:The history of retirement in AmericaA theology of retirementWays to discern God’s callThe power and potential of intergenerational friendships
Amy Hanson
Author & Speaker
Peter Menconi
Chris Ditzenberger
Lynn Bell
Brian Gray
Denver Institute for Faith & Work
Jeff Haanen
Denver Institute for Faith & Work
Breakout Sessions
Intergenerational Relationships
We rub shoulders with people from various generations every day, but how well do we really understand each other? Maybe you’ve wondered why your children or grandchildren see life differently than you do. Pete Menconi explores the life events and values that characterize each generation and the way they connect in the family, popular culture, and church.
Led by Peter Menconi
The New Normal
Aging isn’t easy, but it can be good. Amy Hanson shared insight regarding the physical, mental, and spiritual transitions boomers face in their later years and offers strategies to adjust to “the new normal.”
Led by Amy Hanson
Embracing God’s Mission–at Any Age
What does it look like to hear God’s voice as you prepare for retirement? How do cultural assumptions about retirement influence our views of “the good life?” In this workshop, Brian Gray, Jeff Haanen, and Chris Ditzenberger led a participative conversation about discerning our calling in the various seasons of life and what that means for people of Christian faith who want to serve in God’s mission well throughout their life.
Led by Chris Ditzenberger, Brian Gray, Jeff Haanen