Thursday, Jul. 26 /
6:30 p.m. /
Denver, CO

God & the Great Outdoors: How Faith Shapes Outdoor Retailing & Recreation

Event details

Coloradans cheered when Denver was awarded the annual Outdoor Retailers Expo--a multi-year deal promising to bring millions of dollars to the local economy, one indicator of the impact outdoor recreation has on the state. Outdoor recreation generates $28 billion dollars in consumer spending annually and creates 229,000 jobs, making it a powerful driver of the state’s economy. But its influence doesn’t stop there--almost ¾ of Colorado’s residents participate in outdoor recreation every year, crowding the aisles at REI and trails to the top of their favorite peaks.Outdoor recreation is close to the hearts of many Coloradoans, but how does it shape our souls? How do Christians in outdoor retailing integrate their faith and work in a pluralistic industry?Join Denver Institute for Faith & Work for an evening exploring the social, economic, and spiritual impact of outdoor retailing and recreation. Discover the importance of play, learn how outdoor adventure shapes our souls, and hear how successful entrepreneurs bring faith to their work.

Sabrina Little

USA Track & Field 100 Mile Trail Run National Champion 2016, 2017

Greg McEvilly

Chief Inspiration Officer & Chairman

Jeff Wiguna

Co-Founder & CEO

Chelsea Van Essen

Gary Aronhalt

Ultramarathoner & Founder

Nathan Hoag

Parish Pastor & Outdoor Guide

Matt Thomas

Co-Founder & President

General Admission

Join us for an evening of rich conversation. Light appetizers will be served before the event.
50% off for Outdoor Retailer
Expo Attendees! Email
for discount code

Thursday, July 31st

6:30-8:45 p.m.


Thank you to our generous sponsors!