Denver Institute for Faith & Work is excited to welcome Eric Most, president of National Christian Foundation Rocky Mountain Region, as our newest board member. We recently spoke with Eric about his background in business, his current role leading NCF, and his passion for serving with DIFW. The conversation below has been lightly edited for length and clarity.
DM: Why do you care so much about the Denver Institute mission?
EM: I was first introduced to DIFW when I moved to Colorado and started working with NCF, and I’ve been grateful for the voice of DIFW. NCF has sponsored Business for the Common Good and Women, Work, and Calling. What excites me about joining the board is moving from the stands and down to the sidelines to be a part of the work.
A guiding Bible passage for me is 1 Corinthians 10:31: “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God!” Whether you eat or drink or what ever you do includes work, and we are to do that work for the glory of God. So the mission of DIFW to form men and women to serve God, neighbor, and society through their daily work is discipleship for doing all to the glory of God.
DM: How would you say you live out your calling?
EM: I once heard a sermon where the pastor said there are three types of Christian’s: radical goers; radical senders, and the disobedient.
When I pondered if that was true, I also asked which one I was. My family and I have gone on missions trips, but it’s hard to classify that as radical. We have sent, but it’s hard to classify our sending as radical. Out of the three, I most closely aligned with the disobedient.
After selling our business and making a contribution to our giving fund, I learned about the missed opportunity to give a portion of our business in a way that lowered taxes and mobilized far more money for the sake of the gospel. Today, it is my joy to come alongside others and say “Please don’t make my mistake–there is a better way to give! You're able to use the assets on your balance sheet to fund the advancement of the gospel!”
DM: How is serving God in nonprofit leadership at NCF similar to your work in business? How is it different?
EM: As a past entrepreneur, I was part owner of a family insurance agency and I also owned a real estate business. I sold my business in 2015 and made some gifts to our donor advised fund at NCF, because I knew that we wanted to dedicate those funds to charity. A colleague at NCF in Tampa knew that we loved Colorado, and they were looking for a new president out here, so we made the transition.
In both roles my goal has been the same: to glorify God in all that I and all that our team does. Whether it’s business or nonprofit, the mission doesn’t change in our service to God. I hope that my work– in vocation, or board roles, or as a volunteer dad in TrailLife – would be a sweet offering to God, as I thank and praise Him that He has placed me here to do that work.
The major difference between business and nonprofit work is that no one is typically happy when you're dealing with an insurance issue. By contrast, in the work at NCF, I have found that truly generous people are truly happy! They are experiencing 1 Tim 6:17-19:
As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.
Truly generous people are taking hold of that which is truly life!
DM: Why do you personally care so much about the message of biblical generosity?
By some of the most conservative numbers, at least 3.2 billion people have little or no access to the gospel, yet God has lavished us with so much. There is so much pressure to accumulate more stuff, to retire early, to take the easy road. But I think God is whispering to us “One’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” The Bible talks more about wealth than almost any other subject, so maybe God’s not whispering but shouting. The good news is that as we join God in trusting him and being radically generous, we get an abundance of joy!
DM: What are you most excited about in Denver Institute’s future?
EM: A question I’ve asked myself of churches and nonprofits is “If this organization were no longer here would anyone be upset?” I believe that if DIFW wasn’t here, if we were not part of our community, many people would feel the loss. DIFW’s impact for Denver and beyond has been big, but I believe we are still in the early days. God is doing great work, in and through DIFW, and I’m excited to be a part of the team.