Jeff Haanen
Calling – What, How, Why

“Everybody has a vocation to some form of life-work. However, behind that call (and deeper than any call), everybody has a vocation to be a person – to be fully and deeply human in Christ Jesus.” – Brennan Manning Christians often allude to a sense of calling that guides their lives, but they may mean different things […]

Jeff Haanen
That “Eye-On-the-Object” Look

The world is a distracting place. Email, Facebook, open office spaces, iPhones, and insanity-inducing apps with red pop-up bubbles demanding attention. What would the opposite of a distracted work day look like? Check out this statement by W.H. Auden: “You need not see what someone is doing to know if it is his vocation, you […]

Jeff Haanen
Let Your Life Speak

The beloved Saint Francis is remembered for saying “Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words.” It’s an appealing thought. What if we never had to risk talking to a friend or colleague about Christ, but instead “let our lives speak” to communicate the gospel message? Unfortunately, there’s no evidence that St. Francis […]

Elizabeth Moyer
Is Shame Thwarting Your Calling?

The teacher called my name and I felt my face ignite. Blood rushed to my cheeks and I knew immediately that I resembled a tomato. I quickly answered the question and tried to wish away my blushing cheeks, which was fruitless after a classmate whispered, “Why are your cheeks so red?” This was a far […]

Joanna Meyer
When A Vacation Isn’t Enough (Part 2)

Five Principles for Deep Rest Years ago, I spent a year living in Zaragoza, Spain, a vibrant city between Barcelona and Madrid. One of highlights of that year was adopting a more European way of life — trading comfy American sneakers for more fashionable dress shoes and developing an addiction to manchego cheese that remains […]

Joanna Meyer
When A Vacation Isn’t Enough (Part 1)

Discover God’s Life-Giving Freedom Who among us hasn’t dreamt of getting away from it all? On steamy summer afternoons I long to escape my overly-air-conditioned office to relax on a sunny beach or hike a mountain trail. I crave for the unhurried pace and deep relaxation portrayed in travel magazines, but have learned that few […]

God’s Sabbath Confronts Our Success

By Ryan Farrell By the end of the 1800s, the Industrial Revolution was in full swing and demanding long and brutal workweeks from working class adults and children alike. Then Henry Ford came along and concluded that something had to be done. So he instituted a 40-hour workweek for all of his factories — and […]

How should I choose a career?

Today most career counselors and well-meaning friends would respond to this question with: What are you good at? What do you love to do? What’s your personality type? Where do you want to live? What kind of lifestyle do you want? These are good, normal questions. Yet I have to wonder, are the goals of […]