“I Realized I’m in God’s Business”

Have you ever woken up Monday morning and wondered, “Why am I doing this?” As you groggily emerge from sleep to face a week’s worth of sales reports and conference calls, it’s easy to question the value of your job. Sure, it provides a much-needed paycheck, but you may wish it offered something more.

It’s a feeling Bets Strock, patient services manager at Quest Diagnostics understands all too well. “I was raised with a strong worth ethic,” she explains. “So I’ve always worked hard and wanted to do my best. But, it was for me — I wanted to be the best, to be able to make more money and then retire.”

For Bets, work had value because it generated earnings that could be given to causes that “really mattered,” like her local church or foreign missionaries. Her perspective — and professional life— changed when she began attending one of Denver Institute’s Vocation Groups.


Vocation Groups are monthly, industry-specific gatherings that build relationships among Christian peers, explore God’s purposes for work, and engage contemporary issues in their fields. Our groups equip professionals with a fresh vision for their work and the practical skills they need to serve God — and their communities — through their role at work.

Fifteen Vocation Groups representing a range of industries meet across the metro area. To learn more about groups or find a one near you, email Joanna Meyer, DIFW’s program director, at joanna.meyer@denverinstitute.com.

Take the next step in your spiritual & professional journey — join a Vocation Group!
